In this serene countryside scene, a young foal finds comfort under the watchful eyes of its protective parents. The trio enjoys the peaceful simplicity of a lush green field, the rich grass swaying softly in the breeze. In the background, rustic wood-sided barns and sheds stand proudly, while sturdy wooden corral fencing outlines the pastoral beauty. This moment of pure tranquility, where nature and nurture blend seamlessly, captures the essence of family and the gentle rhythm of rural life.
In this serene countryside scene, a young foal finds comfort under the watchful eyes of its protective parents. The trio enjoys the peaceful simplicity of a lush green field, the rich grass swaying softly in the breeze. In the background, rustic wood-sided barns and sheds stand proudly, while sturdy wooden corral fencing outlines the pastoral beauty. This moment of pure tranquility, where nature and nurture blend seamlessly, captures the essence of family and the gentle rhythm of rural life.
$360 - 2 bids
Minimum Bid Increment:
Oct 28, 2024 @ 12:00pm -
Nov 08, 2024 @ 05:45pm
Donated By:
Diana Madaras